Distribution Planning has a capital budget for system improvements, aimed at ensuring SaskPower’s capacity to provide reliable power. Prudent capital investment depends on planning staff meeting two key requirements:
- Analyzing data from load projections, SAIDI/SAIFI reports, and load flow calculations to identify areas where system improvements are needed.
- Defining a scope of work with the strongest business case possible. This involves creating a feasible preliminary design and budgetary estimate. The business case is strengthened by line loss savings and business alignment with asset management, vegetation control, and new connections.
One fatal flaw can unravel an otherwise good business case! For example, we postponed one project after our preliminary design led to a conversation with the Ministry of Highways. The Ministry confirmed plans to widen the highway adjacent to our proposed line. If we had built the line before the highway was widened, we would have had to relocate it, turning our investment into a sunk cost.
I analyzed data and defined the scope for 113 km of line rebuilds, valued at approximately $10M. This was completed in 4 months from August to December 2023. During this process, I:
- Built process improvement tools to make future work easier for the team.
- Collaborated with PLT Operating Specialists to create a series of training videos, enhancing transparency with field staff about the high-level considerations involved in system design. By understanding the needs of each business unit, we can better identify opportunities for system improvement.
- Shared design and budget estimating expertise with teammates.
- Introduced the planning team to expert designers who could assist with preliminary designs.
- Personally met with staff from 17 of Saskatchewan’s 41 operating districts.