The Queen Elizabeth (QE) “D-Plant” project was an expansion of Saskatoon’s largest power plant. In terms of Communication Protection & Control (CP&C), it involved integrating a fourth location with the three existing critical locations within QE. Three gas turbines were added to the existing plant, with the protection and control of the GSU transformers and transmission lines being segregated from the plant to a separate switching station control room.
I installed and assisted with the commissioning of a GE D400 redundant HMI with SEL 2440 RIOs and a PRP network carrying GOOSE messaging. I also led the installation and commissioning of a JMUX CDAX spur for protection channel and RTU communications with the existing QE plant. Meeting the in-service date required precise coordination among four internal SaskPower groups and two contractors responsible for the CP&C network.
Extensive field modifications were necessary to convert the existing Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) into a slave of the new SCADA head unit. Additionally, an RS-485 network had to be designed on the fly to integrate with the plant’s Distributed Control System (DCS), located in a remote area of the plant. I collaborated with the instrumentation contractor to commission DNP generator controls.