Tag: Safety



Business Case Cellular Change Management Chemical Commissioning Construction CP&C DCS Design Emergency Repair Environment Fiber Optics Grounding and Bonding IR Imaging Load Flow Logistics Maintenance Testing Microwave Mining Oil & Gas Overhead Power Generation Power Line Carrier Power Quality Protection Coordination Prototype QAQC Right of Way Safety SCADA Scalability Scope Definition SubStation Training Transmission Troubleshooting Underground VFD Wind Energy

  • Business Case & Scope Definition for 113km of Line

    Business Case & Scope Definition for 113km of Line



    Distribution Planning has a capital budget for system improvements, aimed at ensuring SaskPower’s capacity to provide reliable power. I analyzed data and defined the scope for 113 km of line rebuilds, valued at approximately $10M.

  • Strategic improvement of highway powerline crossings results in safety & efficiency

    Strategic improvement of highway powerline crossings results in safety & efficiency



    “What should we do with all the power lines that cross highways and interfere with oversized tall loads?” At first, this seems like a straightforward problem with a simple solution: “Bury everything underneath the highway!” However, a more strategic examination…

  • N. Battleford to Battleford 25kV Tie Line

    N. Battleford to Battleford 25kV Tie Line



    This project was initiated due to load growth in the town of Battleford. If operations required the entire town’s power generation to be supplied from North Battleford across the river, the capacity of the existing line was insufficient. The project…

  • Transformer Top Rescue SOP Development

    Transformer Top Rescue SOP Development



    Could we rescue a person injured while working on top of a transformer? As members of the OH&S committee we were tasked with 1) Identifying viable rescue solutions 2) Proving their effectiveness for SaskPower 3) Presenting our findings at Safety…

  • Replacement of Obsolete M-series RTU and failed SER with Next Gen SCADA

    Replacement of Obsolete M-series RTU and failed SER with Next Gen SCADA



    The project scope included installing the entire fiber optic network, IRIG-B timing, and replacing the GE M-Series RTU, which had approximately 150 controls, indications, alarms, SERs, and 18 analog measurements. This was replaced with a GE D400 HMI equipped with…

  • 130km Fiber Optic Install – Critical Path to Golden Lake Success

    130km Fiber Optic Install – Critical Path to Golden Lake Success



    Phase 1 of Golden Lake Substation was being constructed on an aggressive schedule, and TeleControl was positioned to materialize a massive opportunity to put the project ahead of schedule! If we could plough 130km of fiber optics, and make changes…

  • Helicopter Only Access Repeater Station OPGW Connection

    Helicopter Only Access Repeater Station OPGW Connection

    SaskPower / Cameco


    The scope of work included trenching ~500 meters of fiber in conduit through the Canadian Shield, connecting the OPGW dead-end structure to the communications building. Installing and commissioning a Power Line Carrier (PLC) to fiber JMUX repeater, which was used…

  • 190km Fiber Optic Install – North Battleford to Meadow Lake

    190km Fiber Optic Install – North Battleford to Meadow Lake



    In a collaboration between SaskTel and SaskPower, plans were laid to install approximately 190 km of fiber optic cable from North Battleford to Meadow Lake

  • Aberdeen & Martensville Station Fiber Optic Connection

    Aberdeen & Martensville Station Fiber Optic Connection



    As part of the Saskatoon Area Reinforcement (SAR) project, two new transmission stations—Aberdeen and Martensville—required connections to the existing fiber optic network. In total, approximately 40 km of new fiber optic cable was installed. As a member of the SaskPower…